*clears throat*

I start writing HOUSE OF CARDS tomorrow. o.o I did open up the proposal and synopsis and read through them (ok, I didn’t actually make it all the way through the synopsis), and started fiddling around with a little bit of rewriting, but honestly, I didn’t get out of bed until after 9 or out of the shower til 10, and spent what seemed like a great deal of time ridding my poor thick head of what seemed like a truly amazing amount of snot. I have a variety of…

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tis not too late to seek a newer world

Chance #3 is done. Something more dramatic happened at the end of it than I’d planned, which is rather cool and I look forward to the ramifications. I start writing HOUSE OF CARDS tomorrow. I’m setting my quota at 5K a day, because, frankly, letting myself do only 3K a day is being lazy. I’ll often hit 3800-4200 words on a 3K day, and there’s no reason to not work it up to 5K except hey, I’ve hit quota, so I can fart around now! There are a couple of…

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comics, writing–you know, the usual

I was poking around on DigitalWebbing the other day while I was looking for an inker for Chance, and came across a comics studio which will do pencils, inks & colors for your 8 or 22 page comic book for $600 to $2000. Then they’ll help you find a PoD printer for it. (If you want to go check it out, go here and click on the “Custom comics starting at $599” ad.) I thought this was absolutely fascinating. The art on the sample pages they’ve got isn’t bad. It’s…

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tiny bubbles

This is radically cool: The Sultan’s Elephant, a 40 foot mechanical elephant, part of a four day street theatre story in London. That is *so* *awesome*. I want one. The elephant weighs forty-two tons, and looks like magic. Completely unrelated, I forgot to mention that before MI:3 there was a trailer for United 93. It devastated me. I have horribly mixed feelings on the film at all; on one hand I understand the desire to try to deal with the story of that flight by making it a story, something…

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I should be working on my Chance script. Instead I’m slopped on the couch trying to keep my eyes open. We hates being sick, precious. Not, I suppose, that most people enjoy it. I did download the script to the laptop, though, so when I’m done zoning out and typing this, I’ll open it up and stare mindlessly at it, anyway. That usually results in at least a little work getting done. Ted had his physio appointment yesterday, and they basically told him to go away, ’cause he was all…

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