writing is hard…

I’m on page 12, or have just finished, page 12, of this script. I’m at about 4300 words, which is only a thousand or so words short of the full length of the first script. I know there’s more dialog in this one, but sheesh. Writing is hard. Let’s go shopping! But no. I must do at least one, and preferably 2 or 3 more pages today. Whine whine whine. OTOH, my, it’s nice to write something I can finish in 3 days instead of 6 weeks! I got *sunburned*…

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weigh-in and stuff

Weighed in at 156 again this morning, which didn’t really surprise me, although it was a little disappointing. I need to do better with eating this week than I did last week, though I’m getting back on track. I walked 3 or so miles today, and I bought weights yesterday. I need a second set of dumbbells; these ones are perfect for some of my exercises and I wasn’t going to buy and carry around another 20 pound pair. But it’s 5 weeks until my birthday and I have this…

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still staggering

Still staggering with relief, here. I have tripped the light fantastic all day, I am so happy about finding those beatsheets. Ted’s really astonished I’m not pissed off about it. I might’ve been if I’d struggled through redoing them all, but I found them before I wrote more than fifty words, so *whew*. Whew, whew, WHEW. Utterly bouyed by finding them, I wrote 7 pages of script today. That’s only about 2300 words, so it’s not massive amounts of writing, but 7 pages of having to sit there and figure…

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I FOUND THE BEATSHEETS! I’m so relieved I’m not even pissed. *Jesus*. They were in a file I’d looked at before, but I had it set to Print Layout, so I could only see one page at a time, and the only thing on the page I’d looked at was the handful of paragraphs describing the meaning of each issue title. I’d put page breaks between each page, too, so there just wasn’t anything else on the first page, and for some reason I never noticed there were more pages…

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day by day

I actually walked the dog today, to her great joy. I felt like such a good human. I am trying to get back into it, so I will announce here that I’m walking the dog tomorrow, and maybe that’ll shame me into it. Ted and I trundled into Cork this afternoon so I could buy some dumbbells. I decided it was much cheaper to buy a set of dumbbells and not use them than buy a gym membership and not use it. :) I’ll put them in my office (because…

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