I dreamed this morning that I was a telepath. Unfortunately, I evidently could not quite suspend my own disbelief, because throughout the dream, every time I attempted to make telepathic contact and my hands were busy doing something else (I was sculpting a golem-girl who would become the companion to the brought-to-life golem boy who was bent on destroying the world because he was lonely, or something like that), I found myself saying to other people, “Could you please text-page Allison and tell her we need her here RIGHT NOW?”…
Category: Uncategorized
I have just submitted the proposal for the fourth Strongbox Chronicle, along with a seven-page document full of title ideas for the trilogy. Tonight, in celebration, I am going to watch the rest of season one La Femme Nikita while I eat the insanely-yummy-smelling soup that Ted is currently preparing. If I had made bread today, I would have a piece of yummy homemade bread while I did this. (Maybe I’ll make biscuits or something. Or CORNBREAD. Except I have no cornmeal. *Damn*. Must remedy that.) I am taking tomorrow…
I will not, after all, be attending ButcherCon this fall. Ted and I are planning to go to WFC in November instead. And hopefully I’ll be going to Colorado Gold in September, but I’m not sure about that right now. Depends on what books are finished by then and how much money we have, a’course. :)
Oh, for…
This is a locked-to-the-flist post because while I’m exasperated, the person I’m exasperated with will fling herself on my mercy and swear she didn’t mean it that way if this is public, and I’ve finally had it up to Here with that, so. emailed me earlier wondering if I was still going to ButcherCon, since the venue had changed (again) and she saw I was no longer listed on the guest list. I said, “Huh,” because I think I was the second person invited to be a guest at ButcherCon…
Well, that was unexpectedly productive. I got 2900 words written on SBX4, so now all I need to do is write the synopsis and I can cross that off the list of things to do. This was one of those, “Gee whillikers, how did 3K worth of words come out that easily?” sorts of writing days. Not a cat exploded kind of day (3K is not enough for me to consider the cat to have exploded), but it was not stressful writing. That was *really nice*. I don’t seem to…