and one last post…

I weighed in at 156 this morning. Tomorrow I begin with the Ted-cooked diet. I suspect the next few days are gonna be real easy to stay on points with, as this cold seems to be doing a pretty good job of suppressing my appetite. :) Hey, maybe that means I’ll get to order the blazer next Thursday, right? :)

if you’re reading this…

[private] If you are reading this, you are on a very small custom filter I’ve created. This is basically a filter for when I don’t mind feedback but don’t want to put something out there for the entire world to read. Consequently, there are only two or three people on this filter I have not met IRL and there are about the same number whom I have known less than ten years. I don’t know how much traffic this filter will get. I’m not a particularly hidden or private sort…

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URBAN SHAMAN has officially been reprinted and is in the warehouse awaiting anybody who wants to order it. That’s my first novel, guys. It’s gone into a second printing. In trade paperback. *stupid, stupid grin* (Holy cow. About 5K copies have been reprinted, apparently. That’s pretty good!) Perhaps in order to keep me from getting too full of myself, I seem to have lost the battle with this cold I’ve been fighting, and my nose is very full of snot. I don’t have a very big nose. I am continuously…

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food, glorious food

Tomorrow’s weigh in day, but I was in the bathroom with the scale yesterday morning to take a bath, and so stood on the scale. It put me down at 156 again. I did think 160 was probably an unusually high flux, and don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but one way or another it’s the right trend. I haven’t really been counting points this week; Easter weekend and being at Mom & Dad’s kinda threw it out the window and I guess I haven’t cared enough to try really…

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Apparently Amazon is shipping THUNDERBIRD FALLS. I’m a little startled, because the official release date is May 1, which for Luna books means “the tuesday before the 1st day of the month,” so I would expect it to be in stores around the 25th. (In Anchorage, I would expect it to be available at the B&N already because they always put things out early.) Its current ranking at Amazon (which is, I know, mostly meaningless, but still) is more than 200 placements higher than I ever saw URBAN SHAMAN go…

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