a *very* nice weekend

It’s been a *very* nice weekend. I made an executive decision and did not bring the laptop up to Portarlington with me. I brought six books instead. This may have been a little on the ambitious side, but better prepared than not! I finally read ‘s fourth and final book in the Glasswright series, which I generally enjoyed. I then started IRON SUNRISE, which I immediately wished I’d read first, because I *suspected* there would not be reading time over the weekend (my family tends to talk all the time…

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Interview mememememe

I kinda hope if I type slowly enough I’ll get to answer more than one interview before I post this, but for now, ‘s 1) Why is it so many writers seem to be migrating to Ireland? Or if you don’t feel like answering for everyone or think I’m imagining things, how about you in particular? I don’t think you’re imagining things, but I’ll speak for myself anyway. :) First, I’m an Irish citizen. My family got back in contact with our Irish family about fifteen years ago (the story…

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PHOENIX LAW is done. PHOENIX LAW is *submitted*. It is now in the high holy hands of the editor and the agent. And I… …I am remarkably pleased with it. It’s possible this means I’ve created a disaster beyond the ability of the human mind to conceive, but probably not. It’s also possible it’s not as good as I think it is, but fortunately, that’s not something I have to worry about right now. Right now I can just rest on my laurels and gloat over it being DONE. For…

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Drawing a blank…

Drawing a blank, and I don’t have any of my Heinlein books sitting around to check against, nor can I make the net tell me with any degree of certainty, so: Can somebody conclusively verify or deny whether Lazarus Long’s AI ship Dora referred to him as “Boss”? Memory is telling me she did, but I have been wrong once or twice in the past. Thanks!

eating is hard. let’s go shopping.

God. I’ve just had lunch and I’m down to 6 points left for the day. Gah. Granted, I had two pieces of soda bread where one probably would’ve done, and butter is just doom, but *man*. Eating at 22 points is really hard, and I am not at all used to doing it anymore. I have, in fact, been considering giving myself 24 points a day for this first week, just to get back into the habit again. For some reason, 24 is a *lot* easier than 22. I donno.…

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