is doing the interview meme, and I haven’t done that in a while, so I thought I’d play. The rules are: 1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” 2. I will respond by asking you five questions. 3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. 5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. Obviously one doesn’t have to do the last two steps,…
Category: Uncategorized
stats, april 13
target points: 22 points used: 33.5 activity points earned/swapped: 3/3 wpa spent/left: 8.5/26.5 I did not cover myself in glory today, oh no. I’m blaming the cookies we had left in the house, but jeez, I was just hungry. I still don’t really have good snack foods in the house. Graham crackers are okay. Better if I don’t put butter on ’em, obviously. I have fruits and things, but there’s a limit to how much fruit I can talk myself into eating. I need to remember I can have, like,…
Halfway through PHOENIX edits. Still nothing traumatizing. I’m enjoying this book. I said, as I usually do, in some astonishment, to Ted, “I think this is pretty good,” and he, as usual, snorted at me and expressed Great Surprise, No, Really. (Sometimes, to be fair, I say I think maybe it’s not all that good, and then he doesn’t believe me. I’m so put-upon. I think. Let’s see, what do I know. I got an emailed interview request yesterday, so when that’s posted I’ll point people at it. That made…
Testing your yeast
A second batch of bread utterly failed. Either the bread gods hate me or the yeast is bad. I’ve certainly gone through a lot of flour today, though. :P I’m up to about page 80 on PHOENIX LAW. I’m really enjoying it. o.o There’s nitpicky stuff I’m dealing with, but so far I’m not finding anything huge that has to be redone. There’s a thread I seem to have dropped, but I’m not quite sure yet if I’m going to weave it back in, rewrite it out, or accept that…
Wow. I totally killed the yeast in this batch of bread. It didn’t rise at *all*. I’ve never done that before. Go team Kit. :P Guess I get to start /that/ over. :P I’m supposed to be editing PHOENIX. Instead I’m writing an introduction for ‘s new art book that is working on. This has, among other things, FORCED me (forced, I tell you) to go tripping merrily through metalandmagic giggling over Ursula’s weird mind. :) O, What Hardship. :) On another topic entirely, I had a small epiphany yesterday.…