I see have befuddled some people with the phrase cat exploded. I stole this phrase from Neil Gaiman some years ago, after he described the writing process this way: …I may well start posting daily word counts and the ‘had a good writing day’/’had a bad writing day’ stuff that life writing a novel tends to become. (When writing a novel that’s pretty much entirely what life turns into: “House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.”…

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Another cat exploded kind of day, which I really didn’t think I’d have, since I goofed around being cheerful so much this morning. But in the end, I hit 5300 words for the day, broke 300 pages, and am at 70,600 words on the book. That’s 3 chapters left, according to the wordcount, and that sounds just about right for how much story I’ve got left. Two or three chapters and the epilogue. If we don’t go into Cork tomorrow, I might finish tomorrow. If we do, it’ll probably be…

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SULKING. I forgot I’d written 700 words on this chapter yesterday, so instead of only having about a thousand words left to write to hit quota, I’ve got about 1800 words, which is most of a new chapter. And hell, if I’m going to write that much of it, I might as well write it all, because that’ll put me at 70K, but whiiiiiiiine! That’s wooooork! Whiiiiine! Suuuuuulk! Ok, I’m not really sulking, but I’m dorking around writing journal entries instead of starting the next chapter. I might go for…

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I have just gotten a box full of books. Twenty-four shiny copies of THUNDERBIRD FALLS, which, by gum, looks quite lovely and smells like new book and generally makes me beam like an idiot. There’s a lot of that going on today. I’m having a good day. :) Although my, all this good stuff is making the words creep along right slowly, it is, because I keep fiddling around with other stuff and, er, checking my comments to see if anybody’s awake and full of good cheer along with me,…

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*idiotic grin*

This is a good morning for art news. First, has been nominated for an Eisner award, for Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition. I doubt there’s anybody who reads my page who doesn’t read Ursula’s, too, but if you don’t, suffice it to say that she is an abnormally cool human being with an extraordinary mind and a talent for art that expresses itself not only with her phenomenal, absurd, wonderfully silly and periodically perfectly serious paintings and sketches, but also in her irresistable turn of phrase both in telling stories…

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