cat exploded!

It turned out to be a cat exploded kind of writing day. I didn’t quite write two full chapters (more like 1.75), but I got 4200 words done, hit page 250, and am stopping in the middle of a fight/chase scene that’ll be easy to pick up tomorrow. Page 250 is something of a landmark page. Even on longer books, it’s kind of the sign that there might be an end to this damned thing somewhere, but on the Bombshells, which are 360 pages max, it means you’d better have…

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“You’re a noob,” she said. “What’s a noob?” “You are!” she replied with the infallible cheer of circular logic. I’ve had that circulating in my head for the last twenty minutes. There’s no place for it in this book. (Shocking, I know.) Perhaps getting it out into the blog will release my brain from its evil ways. Back on my head.


I will not post this until I’ve hit 2K or the end of the chapter, the latter being preferable. I’m at around 1200 words right now, and am taking a small break to think about where the next scene should be set, because it can’t be set in the obvious place due to reality not working that way. Ten years ago, maybe, but in today’s political climate, nope. Has to be somewhere else. Possibly somewhere civilians can get injured. :) Trying to convince myself I’m not actually STARVING MEOW MEOW…

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early morning chance update

Very, *very* early morning where most of you are. The roughs for the final four pages of Chance… If you haven’t figured it out, there’s a scrapbook with all the pages, which can be viewed at a larger sizes, here. Hm. I have plenty of things to talk about, but I need to work on PHOENIX, so no talking right now!

productivity? what productivity?

has *completely* ruined my productivity by introducing me to LibraryThing. I managed to rein myself in after adding only about a hundred books, and the perfectionist in me is not at all happy with half of them, because they’ve got things like bad capitalization (Storm Front, for example, is in as Storm front) and a bunch of them are paperback editions where I have hardback, and I can’t remember what cover I’ve got for a lot of the older stuff, and I can’t make it give me the right cover…

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