chugga chugga

Chugging along on the writing front today. Ted and I were just having an interesting discussion about the Cate Dermody titles (one of which I’m working on right now). Had you asked me, I’d have said the way to make it rich as a writer would be as a romance writer. I’d have said that was the career path to fame and fortune. I still think it’s probably true. I’d have said that probably if I was going to make a bundle writing, it would be with the Dermody books.…

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more chance

An interesting conundrum has arisen. I’m trying to figure out how best to deal with the issue of inked pages. Ardian’s pencils are really tight and dark, but conventional wisdom is that you want to have your pages inked. I don’t know enough about what an inker brings to the table to be sure I can judge inks well. I know art well enough, and I have enough concept of color to recognize what’s working and what isn’t, but I just haven’t seen enough professional-quality sequential art pre-inks to have…

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a little bit of everything

We’re back! Actually, we got back yesterday morning, but we spent a few hours in Dublin, then trained home, and I spent most of the evening answering interview questions for a guest blog where I’ll be featured in April, so I didn’t get to posting. Monday we went into NYC and went to the Donald Maass Literary Agency to sign contracts and meet people, which was plenty good fun. Very nice offices, LOTS of books (I love going into business offices of book-related people; it’s like walking into a very,…

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o so tired

It has been an extremely good weekend. We are extremely tired. *laugh* I met Jim Frenkel from Tor Books, who came in on the conversation we were having when I was talking about URBAN SHAMAN having sold out (he said, “Do you know what that means?” I said, “That I’m brilliant?”, which was so completely not what he expected there was a very long and funny pause while he tried to figure out how to respond *laugh*), and after a while of hearing about the sales I’d made to publishers,…

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new york, new york!

Ted and I made it into NYC safely yesterday. The plane flight was one of the more comfortable ones I remember, and I got 5500 words written (2 chapters! CHEEAAAARGE!) and am at something like 46K on the book now. *Yes*. Hoping to write on the train out to Long Island this afternoon, and then I’m assuming tomorrow and Sunday will be complete losses. :) We did not check luggage. I will never check luggage again, if I can avoid it. We zoomed through customs and didn’t have to wait…

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