
‘nother page from Ardian, my artist. This one’s where one of the two romantic interests is introduced (the other one already was, and he looked perfect), and I’ve fallen in love with the character just from the rough sketches. Gawd. :) Even if this turns out to be a complete bust in publishing terms, it’s worth it already. :) I’m sure I’m insane, but this is just so cool. :) *So* sleepy this morning. I went to bed way too late and was so tired I didn’t move at all…

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this space intentionally left blank

Oveall, going to see “The Weather Man” was probably not the best thing I could’ve done the day I learned my grandmother died. I mean, it’s an all right movie, but not nearly as funny as I hoped, and much more morbid than I expected. It wasn’t all *that* morbid, but more than I expected. Shoulda gone out with Mom and Dad to sit on the babies. Oh well. Thank you to everyone who’s expressed condolences. I appreciate it greatly. Grandma was old (almost 90) and ready to go, and…

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*pinches bridge of nose*

My grandmother died last night. I’m waiting to find out when the memorial service is, and when, therefore, we’ll be going to Seattle, and for how long. I kind of expect it’ll be this weekend. In the meantime, I’m waiting for the mover guy to email me with an estimate on how much it’ll cost to move us down to Cork. The price he quoted for packing us up was, I thought, extremely reasonable, and best of all it requires no effort on my part. Except probably standing around supervising…

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broken rules

I broke my rule. I watched the new X3 trailer online. I was actually heart-palpitatingly nervous, waiting for it to load. You know that uncomfortable twang of pain that resides right behind the breastbone? Yeah, that. Which is ridiculous. It’s a movie. I feel a bit like the Vonnegut quote I’ve got on my page: Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae. It’s a movie. My…

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got things done

I got everything but going to the bank done today. Um, I didn’t gym, either. But I did walk a couple miles, at least. Maybe I’ll gym and go to the bank tomorrow. My big victory for the day was not going and getting sweets after I’d been walking around. I was hungry, but I went home and made dinner instead. And it wasn’t even a fried egg sandwich. Go me. :) Hey. I’m *writing* again. I could start watching Highlander! …except I’m waiting for some people from a moving…

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