
I am sufficiently tired to feel floaty. Yesterday we drove down to Cork (it was a *beautiful* day, and a wonderful drive) to give the letting agency money and to get the keys. Upon getting to Cork, Ted wasn’t 100% sure of where he was, so he stopped so we could look at the map. At a glance, we couldn’t find a map. I said, “Are you sure you brought it?” He was sure. We scoured the car. No map. I said, “Not to belabor the issue, but are you…

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a discussion topic

1. A comic-book reader should be able to follow:    a. the entire story, frame by frame, without words    b. the gist of the story, frame by frame, without words    c. very little of the story, frame by frame, without words 2. The first pages of a first-issue comic book should:    a. start with a bang of action and get to the backstory later    b. start with the backstory and work up to the bang    c. work the bang into the backstory as much as…

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writing, riding, other things

I didn’t write yesterday ’cause Little’s batteries were dead, so I charged her up and worked not only earlier in the day, but also on the train on the way in to Dublin. I’m now working on PHOENIX LAW, and despite having *just* finished a book, I’m really quite cheerful about the prospect of working on this one. I know what I’m doing with the next chapter, which is going to be fun, ’cause I’m bringing in somebody which 1. no one will expect and 2. will throw another wrench…

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having a small bit of life

Ted and I *talked* all the way into Dublin yesterday. We haven’t had a chance to *talk* about anything for a week! He’s been off house-hunting and I’ve been neck-deep in writing. Talking was a very pleasant experience. :) Casanova was amusing. It’s not well-paced, and the print we saw was bad, but it was cute and as far as I’m concerned the entire movie paid off with one beautiful shot right near the end, so I went away from it quite happy. :) And we paused at a bookstore,…

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aaaaaaand she’s off!

I have spellchecked, fixed NOTES, and sent COYOTE DREAMS off into the internet ether to land on my agent and editor’s desks. There are bits I still think need work, but overall I think I’m fairly happy with it. And I’ll get feedback and all will be well. *fwoomp* Ted and I are going to be wild and crazy and go into Dublin to *watch a movie* today. Woot woot! I wonder what kind of condition Little’s batteries are in. I don’t feel like lugging the big laptop in, but…

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