85 pages done so far and now my brain is gone. I don’t *want* to go to the gym very much, but I’m going to anyway, because right now I can’t tell if this stuff should be kept or tossed, and presumably moving away from it for a while will help in that matter. Or maybe I’ll just go walk, but anyway, I’ll get away from the work and the computer and with any luck that’ll help. And if I still can’t tell, I’ll…I donno what. Yeah, okay. Just going…
Category: Uncategorized
lunch break
65 or so pages of revisions done so far today. There’s more actual rewriting and new material than I hoped, but it’s going well and I’m chugging along and feeling like I’m actually starting to have a *book* here. This makes me very cheerful, and being cheerful makes me that much more willing to keep diving into the story. It’s a vicious circle. The good sort of vicious circle. :) Ted, may a thousand gods rain blessings on his head, has gone into Dublin in search of a new printer…
*clutches heart*
*clutches heart* I got more artist samples. OMG. I think my doom has been resolved. On the one hand, there is unquestionably something to be said for the edgy strong look one artist sent me. There are people who would definetely pick up the comic on the basis of that look, who wouldn’t necessarily otherwise. On the other, this stuff *looks* *exactly* like I imagined a Chance comic would look. OMG. *falls over* He even did a color splash of the second page (he’s pretty good with colors!), and *clutches…
whack, chop, stitch, blend
Somewhere between 9-12 new pages written today, I think. Over a hundred edited/revised, in total. there is a next long section that is going to be full of rearrangements and stitching, and some new content, but not too much of that, I don’t think. It would make me very happy to get through another hundred pages tomorrow. (It’d make me even happier to get through more, but I would not be at all displeased with 100 pages a day through the weekend. It Would Do.) At any rate, it’s better.…
chug chug chug!
A hundred pages rearranged and revised so far. I have to write an all-new scene now, instead of modifying and rewriting older ones, and I still have some things to add into the revisions, but Is Better. 300 pages and huge amounts of work to go. Feeling good about it, though. *chugga chugga chugga* I went through about the first half of the manuscript (a little shy of it) earlier today and decided at that point I needed to actually put the changes into the manuscript so I had some…