We went to a *movie* tonight! Ted rented a car so he could go down to Cork for the next couple days and look at houses, so we took the car over to Portlaoise (pronounced Portleesh) and went to Aeon Flux. I expected Aeon Flux to be as bad as I expect X3 to be, except without the emotional investment. To my surprise, while it’s not as good as X-Men was, it was considerably better than it had any right to be, and given my low expectations, even managed to…
Category: Uncategorized
I am finally writing the penultimate chapter to COYOTE DREAMS, and all unexpectedly, I suddenly like how the story is ending. I’ve been quite wibbly and dubious over the whole thing, because this is a much more emotionally driven story than the last two, and I have not been at all sure I was approaching anything like a climactically satisfying conclusion, from an action standpoint. (Emotionally I think I’ve got it nailed, I said modestly. I could be wrong, but telling me that is what beta readers, agents, and editors…
now that’s love :)
We just got a big box of stuff from Ted’s mommy. 4 little cans of Crisco, 4 or 5 bags of chocolate chips, some maple flavoring, and a bunch of mail. Now that’s love, to send Crisco to the far side of the world. :) My nephew Seirid is clearly a genius. Apparently yesterday he said to Deirdre, “What are you doing?” She said, “Putting clothes in the washing machine,” and Gavin said, “Did he just say what are you *doing*!?”, which, indeed, he had. A genius. Obviously. Cute, too.…
a strenuous day :)
I had a terribly strenuous day of watching season two Dead Zone yesterday. In fact, I watched episodes 9-19, because 5 & 6 wouldn’t work. Had they played, I’d have probably not finished the season, but, er, I did. :) I did skip 18, because it didn’t look like it had anything to do with the continuing storyline, which was not wrapped up as I expected it to be. That’s kinda cool, actually. Despite rotting my brain on the boob tube all day, I did manage to get out and…
As says, pretty accurate, all things considered: the AdventurerTest finished! you chose AX – your Enneagram type is SEVEN. “I am happy and open to new things” Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world. How to Get Along with Me Give me companionship, affection, and freedom. Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter. Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories. Don’t try to change my style. Accept me the way I am. Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy…