Snow Leopard at Dublin Zoo

kitsnaps: snow leopard

Until this past month I’d never caught more than a glimpse of the snow leopards at Dublin Zoo. They’re very shy and usually hiding in their den, but the colder weather has, I guess, brought them out. They are *so* gorgeous, holy beans. I must go back and haunt the zoo some more before the weather warms up, because I’d love to get some more pictures. Honestly, not all the Kitsnaps will be zoo pictures. It’s just they’re what I’ve got handy right now. Once I’ve got my act together…

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Waldrap Ibis at Dublin Zoo

kitsnaps: waldrapp ibis

I love these birds. They’re so flamboyantly ugly. They’re terribly endangered, with apparently only around 500 left in the wild, and as with all endangered species, I’m perpetually grateful for not only the opportunity to see them at all, but for the conservation and preservation work that zoos all over the world do. It’s not especially easy to get a good picture of one through the glass, so I’ve been trying for, oh, two years now. This is my favorite so far, though I’ll no doubt keep going back for…

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The Walker Papers

pulling. teeth.

There are a variety of reasons why the opening chapters of SHAMAN RISES have been difficult to write. One is that I knew when I sent them off to my editor as part of the proposal that I hadn’t really gotten them right yet. I had to fix them (which was made more difficult by the 3rd reason cited below) Another is that due to Life, I have gotten almost no writing done at all in this calendar year, when in my dream world I wrote 50K in January and…

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Misty Wolf at Dublin Zoo

Mizkit & Kitsnaps

This is a bit of a test to see how well this WordPress gallery works. I’ve long since concluded I’m never going to manage Project 365 (at least not for some years yet), but I’d like to try /posting/ a picture a day, anyway, even if I don’t take one daily. I’m sure I can auto-set it to post, which would help, but even if not, I can give it a stab. And that might help me make an effort to get out and take more pictures, which would be…

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Pocoyo & Richard III

I am profoundly grateful to Stephen Fry for his wonderful narration for Pocoyo. That is all. Well, it’s not all, but it was important to say. :) I assume you all know by now that it *was* Richard III buried in the Leicester car park, which I think is enormously awesome. And also, as has been clear from Twitter all day, a great source of jokes: “A hearse! A hearse! My kingdom for a hearse!” “Richard III has finally been declared “1485 Hide ‘n Seek Champion”.” and my current favorite,…

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