updated project list

remaining projects for 2011: – a Gary short story (3-5K) – a Morrison short story (3-5K. if you want to read it, join the mailing list) – a bonus Old Races story for the ORSSP early adopters (5Kish) – finish “Easy Pickings” with Faith (10Kish) – catch up on the Book Race BAHAHAHAHA – re-revise ANGLES to agently commentary (3-5Kish) I would also *like* to write up to another half dozen Old Races stories (approximately 30K) and do three retold fairy tales (approximately 12K). However, I am trying very, very…

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holy carp.

The Old Races Short Story Project patronage window is now closed. I have just finished the sixth and final story for the Old Races Short Story Project, FOUR MONTHS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Excuse me while I do a dance of *glee*. *dancie dancie dance*! I am *really* pleased with myself. The project’s purpose was to get me to write half a dozen new Old Races stories for a possible collection, with an anticipated wordcount of about 30K. I seem to have written about 33K worth of shorts, so *bullseye*. Holy…

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after work i need to…

– pack up books – address books – random number pull a new list of book winners – order groceries – print out contract – photocopy stuff contract requires » bonus: email contract stuff back, having noticed that’s permissable »#187; …and get it bounced back because their mailbox is full. *sigh* – go to what my brain keeps completing as ‘zoo’ but which is actually ‘post office’ – sort through dublin photographs – think of title schematics for gary stories – sleep for a really long time

cover art

Aghlg. I need a photographer or a … probably a photographer. Or an artist, but probably a photographer, who can create a Walker-Papers-cover-like image for me. I know exactly what I want, but the only photographer I know off the top of my head who almost certainly has the resources for it is Kyle, who I suspect is well out of my price range. Anybody else got a hunky old guy, a rapier and a photo studio handy? o.o (Yes, this would be for cover art for the Gary novella,…

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huh. calendars.

Someone suggested calendars of my photography as a KS reward, which made me go look at costing them out (short form: definitely a doable reward, and I’d probably make up a special April-April one or something just to go with the campaign). Kitsnaps postcards and/or prints were also suggested, which–I would never have thought of using my photography as reward pieces, so *thank you* to those who suggested it. But anyway, in looking, I discovered Lulu does calendars and has a format that isn’t hideous. Base cost to me, for…

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