
I actually got up and swam this morning. *gasp* 2000 yards, and it was v. nice. They’ve fixed up the UAA pool and it’s not nearly so chlorinated now, which is a *huge* improvement. Let’s see. Getting bread made, getting work done. It’s sleepy out, since I got up at 5:30. *yawn* I’m ready for writing to be the day job, please.


200K has been LEFT IN THE DUST! I ROCK! Ok, not really left in the *dust*, but I finally broke 200K words written this year, so I’m very pleased with myself. :) ALSO broke 200 miles in the walk to Rivendell! Go ME! Look out, Shoka! Look out, Heather! I’m catchin’ up! ytd wordcount: 200,500 miles to Rivendell: 201

go me!

200K has been LEFT IN THE DUST! I ROCK! Ok, not really left in the *dust*, but I finally broke 200K words written this year, so I’m very pleased with myself. :) ALSO broke 200 miles in the walk to Rivendell! Go ME! Look out, Shoka! Look out, Heather! I’m catchin’ up! ytd wordcount: 200,500 miles to Rivendell: 201

just stuff

Just some stuff. I’m trying to work, but I’m not sure what it is I’m supposed to do, and the person who could answer me isn’t answering, so I thought I’d do a little update. Went to the RWA meeting last night. It’s not their fault I got used to the Sacramento chapter. :) They’re a nice group of people; the president is leaving for a while, so the VP is stepping up, and I anticipate that’ll change pretty much nothing. I think I’ll go to another couple meetings before…

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biz biz bizy

Well, I’m more or less managing to accomplish all the things I wanted to, anyway. I’ve gotten a reasonable amount of work done, I cleaned the kitchen, I made dinner, and I brought Chanti on a little walk. I’d wanted it to be longer, but a mile will have to do, because I want to go to the RWA meeting tonight and maybe get over to the stupid Wolf Card place to get my wolf card updated so I can go to the damned gym. I /should/ be taking Chanti…

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