Up early today! Yesterday I faced the fact that I wake up a lot more easily at 5 or 5:30am than I do at 7 or 7:30 (or 8) and so last night I set my alarm for 5:15, and know what? I woke right up. And then, even more surprisingly, I went ahead and /got/ up. Consequently, I’ve written 650 words and made bread already this morning, and it’s not even 9am. Well, ok, I’m making bread, because I spent half an hour in the shower instead of staggering…
Category: Uncategorized
okay, so
Okay, so Saturday at the con I had an editor appointment with Anna, and I went to talk to her and I said, “Honestly, I’ve got nothing to pitch right now. I’d been hoping to be able to talk to you about the book you’d just bought from me, and it was about Wednesday that I went, “Hell, I haven’t got anything new to pitch!”” Which was fine with her. So we just talked some — some about HEART OF STONE, in fact, and actually that was very useful to…
cats and dogs
Lucy and Chanti have a Mexican standoff going over the sunbeam downstairs. They’re both in it, facing one another; Lucy is sitting all prim and proper and eyeing Chanti, who is lying there with absolutely no intention of moving; she didn’t even look up when I went downstairs to get breakfast. :)
sudden attack of the meme
Ok, well, I got sidetracked into ‘s LJ and was gonna answer this there, but I’m not friendslisted so I couldn’t, so instead I’m just posting it here, ’cause I’m feeling the meme pull today, I guess. Age: 30 Reason for LJ username: It’s been my online moniker for almost 10 years. AIM/MSN/IRC/other chat screename: mizkit, or variations thereon Reason for AIM/MSN/IRC/ other chat screename: See above. The real reason: I played a mu* character named Kit, called her Miz Kit… Why do you enjoy reading my LJ: Truth be…
I’m beginning to think I might not get the con written up quite the way I want to.