Jai and I had a v. nice walk this afternoon, except for the part where we were beset by mosquitos. However, we walked swiftly and a breeze struck up and vanquished them, so all was well. :) It’s nice to walk with other people instead of just alone! I wrote 1066 words (but who’s counting) and watched Four Weddings and a Funeral. V. nice evening. :) miles to Rivendell: 109.7 ytd wordcount: 142,800
Category: Uncategorized
As I was making lunch, I heard a crash from upstairs. When I came up to investigate, this is what I found: 1. No Lucy on the monitor 2. Cat hair in my water jug
Very, very silly. My work sent me a webcam. I make no guarantees how long it’ll be up, but it’ll be up periodically, anyway. :) Wow. Hungry. I should find an apple, or something.
Some months ago, I mentioned that I’d read several Pratchett books years ago and didn’t much like them. Marith and Trip felt it was their duty to correct this, so picked the best of the litter and sent them unto me. I’ve just finished the fifth of the five they sent me, and damned if every single one of them wasn’t clever and silly. This one, Maskerade made me laugh out loud only twice, which was hardly any compared to some of the others, but even so, it did make…
weighing in
I weighed myself this morning, and weighed 2 pounds less than I did Sunday when I weighed myself. While I expect this is sort of a water-weight thing, I thought I’d mention it to help encourage me not to eat lots of dessert.