
Proposal idea #1 just flat-out needs more base knowledge than I’ve got. Gotta do research before I can go anywhere with it. (Oh woe is me, FORCED to read history books! And perhaps Jane Austen!) Anyway, yeah, really can’t go anywhere with it because I’m spending all my writing time reading Wikipedia. That’s not much use. So I’ll make a stab at Proposal #2, and pick up some research books (and perhaps Jane Austen!) soon. Yeah. Okay. Going to stare down Proposal #2 now. eta: I blinked. The proposal didn’t.…

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Music tore the world apart. There was no rhythm to it, no melody to find, no predictable rise or fall to thundering notes. Instead it was the sound of instruments at war with one another, screeching and bellowing as they strove to be heard. Lara Jansen stumbled under the cacophony, battered by it from all sides, and wondered what had gone wrong. She had traveled between worlds twice before–once under her own power, which should have been impossible. Even then, though, the pathway between her home and the elfin world…

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Transformers 3

Bearing in mind that I know perfectly well I’m getting what it says on the tin when I go into a Transformers movie, and therefore am generally okay with whatever I get, I’d say Dark of the Moon was distinctly better than Transformers 2, except it relegated the female lead to “object for hero to rescue” in a significantly worse way than the first two movies. Really, why not use a dog? It would cost less. They do, however, earn loads of points for (minor spoilers ahoy)

Bon Jovi!

I had a terrific time at the Bon Jovi concert. I’d gotten the “VIP Diamond Circle” package, because it cost the same as what I paid a scalper five years ago to go to a different concert, so I figured what the hell. It included a bit of swag–an actually quite decent bag, a program, a couple other things–and had a pre-show buffet and drinks and stuff. The buffet looked good but I wasn’t hungry enough to partake, so eventually I paid an egregious amount for a hot dog instead.…

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june tally

– revised ANGLES – written synopses for ANGLES & two sequels – written “Awakening”, an Old Races short story – written six Gryphon Beach stories – edited the GB stories – developed the ElectriCity synopsis – written the first chapter of the ElectriCity script – done my part on “Easy Pickings” I have also, in the first half of this year, written three other Old Races stories and the seventh Walker Papers novel. But the above was all done in June. To reward myself, I am going to the Bon…

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