Sleepy. Been out shopping most of the bloody day. All the Christmas shopping is done. Um, well, all of it except my Mom hasn’t said what else she might want for Christmas, so I only have one thing for her, which seems insufficient. *sulk* Anyway. It is, however, done besides that! I have to go clean the bathroom in a few minutes. I’m procrastinating. :)
Category: Uncategorized
pretty cute
Two Weeks Notice was pretty cute. Also, it was only 90 minutes long, which I’m discovering I appreciate in a movie these days.
Good day! I went to a writer’s critique group this morning and came away convinced I need to rewrite the first chapter of Angles entirely; too much description that doesn’t add to the overall story, and it cuts into the action too much, and yeah. Needs rewriting. Then did Christmas shopping! Got all Ted’s shopping done! Not much more to buy, now! Yaaay! _Do_ need to clean the house and put up the Christmas tree. :) Everybody is going to TTT and loving it! yaay! *beam*
irrational surges
Irrational surges of panic about writing, today. Since I’ve got one book at a publisher and one book that’s not yet rewritten to send to one, I’m not sure why I’m panicking, but I’m panicking anyway. . o O ( what if it’s as bad as all the other slush? what if somebody’s having a bad hair day when they pick it up? what if what if what if? ) o.o
one ring
We were sucked in by the power of the One Ring last night! I want a Sean Astin. Can I have one? Some pretty spoiler-free comments follow. We were discussing, after the movie, that we’d like for Peter Jackson to do The Hobbit, which made Shaun say if Jackson did The Hobbit, that Shaun wouldn’t be able to buy the DVDs until the Complete Definitive Swear To God This Time We Really Mean It End All and Be All Super-Duper Extra-Special Nifty Whoo Boy You Couldn’t Wait For This, Could…