Everybody should now be able to read the main page at mizkit.com. Sorry for that last design. :P For those of you who asked, it was different versions of IE which failed to work and I don’t remember what all they were, but for God’s sake. As a coworker of mine used to say, “It’s as if, if your television show was filmed using a Sony camera, it can’t be watched on a Panasonic TV.”
The artwork to the left there is Chance, from the comic book I’d like to write someday. It’s a rendering by Jerry Minor, who does really beautiful stuff. I own one of his originals. Also, I want to look like that. :)
I got both permission to post chapters from THE CARDINAL RULE and “Banshee Cries” and author alterations (what the rest of the world apparently calls galleys) on “Banshee Cries” this morning. I got the AAs and thought, “Due the 19th? No problem, that’s lots of time.” Then I looked at the calendar and was AUGH TODAY’S THE 13th. I’ve lost about a week, somehow. I’m still in the first week of July while the rest of the world is halfway through the second.
So I’m going to go for a walk, have lunch, and work on my AAs before movies with Emily and Jai.
I could look like that – if I grew 10 inches or so and got to go climbing more regularly and have actual muscles… might manage the climbing, but I think growing is a lost cause. :)
Now I can’t wait for chapters! And I hope your AAs go quickly and easily.
It’s not just you experiencing a time warp. I keep going, “Wasn’t it just the 4th like three days ago?” “Wasn’t Writer’s Weekend last week?” “Wait, what do you mean the week is over already? It was just Monday yesterday!”
This is driving me crazy. On the bright side, it’s making the weeks while I wait for a certain response pass quickly. On the bad side, I can’t seem to find enough time in the day/week to do everything I need to be doing.