
Shoulder muscle spasms drove me to the chiro yesterday (actually, Ted drove me to the chiro, but don’t be difficult), and I got my neck popped fairly profoundly, which helped quite a bit. I’ve still got a knot of bad muscle, though, so I think I’m going to call up and make a massage appointment for the afternoon. Doesn’t that sound lovely? I did not, however, go work on staining the fence more, because that would aggravate the stupid shoulder. I said to the chiro, “Does this mean I shouldn’t go home and work on the fence?” and he gave me this very flat, “I can’t believe you said that,” look, which was pretty funny. :) I’m hoping to take up the brush again on Saturday.

Walked 4 miles yesterday! Have gotten past the 177 mark, which seemed Important somehow!

Let’s see, what else. As I was not allowed to work on the fence last night, I watched Sliding Doors for the umpteenth time, and still adored it. :) Played some CoH, and went to bed. It’s an exciting life!

Speaking of exciting lives, Fred and Rob rock: their 24 hour RPG, Fate, cleaned up at the Indie RPG Awards this year. Fred finds himself humbled. (And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you…)

Edit: Apparently the 24 hour RPG is Pace; Fate took lots longer. Still, they rock anyway! :)

miles to Lothlorien: 179 (298 to go!)