*clutches heart* I got more artist samples. OMG. I think my doom has been resolved. On the one hand, there is unquestionably something to be said for the edgy strong look one artist sent me. There are people who would definetely pick up the comic on the basis of that look, who wouldn’t necessarily otherwise. On the other, this stuff *looks* *exactly* like I imagined a Chance comic would look. OMG. *falls over* He even did a color splash of the second page (he’s pretty good with colors!), and *clutches heart*
Later today maybe I’ll put up the samples behind a password-protected directory, and get opinions, just to see what other people think. I’m pretty sure, though, that this guy has won my little black heart.
Taking my wide-eyed, breathless self to work now. Well. As soon as I’ve made a background image of these pages so I can put ’em on my computer. :)