…so author Doranna Dugin keeps an LJ for her beagle Connery. I heartily dislike journals (and books, for that matter) from animals’ points of view, except for some reason Doranna does a *spectacularly* good job with
Connery has always been a bit fragile health-wise, and as so often happens in a writer’s life, has hit one of the bad spots when the money is Just Not There. So Doranna’s doing a fundraising anthology, THE HEART OF A DOG, which is an e-format anthology with a $2.99 price tag.
If you happen to have three bucks to spare, maybe consider getting the anthology? And to sweeten the pot, if you do donate and forward your Paypal (or whatever) receipt to me, I’ll send you a random copy of one of my books. Maybe SPIRIT DANCES. Maybe not. :)