Eep! Got the copy edits for URBAN SHAMAN. I haven’t looked at them yet, but I’ll need to tomorrow, ’cause they want ’em back in New York by the 8th. (Publishing: a hurry up and wait business. Both the hurry up and the wait take place on the writer’s side.) I’ll go over ’em tomorrow and email the copy editor with any questions (I fear I may have lots; I’ve never done this before), and then spend the weekend doing copy edit, um, edits.
I have absolutely no excuse for not having worked on HoS today, but as I’m going for a massage in a little while and a movie after that, I can pretty much guarantee there will be no miraculous turnaround on me doing them later today.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will be GENIUS.
Yay, copy edits.
On a random writing note, have you seen this:
Some RWA member was raided for doing research on terrorists in Cambodia, apparently.