First off, my sister’s Indiegogo campaign has gone live! It’s actually an insanely awesome project *aside* from some of the reward levels being stuff from me: she’s writing, directing and producing a musical (seriously, my sister is amazing). The campaign page is here!
Ah, but what’s it about? Let me quote the page:
Anti-Captialism: The Musical! is large scale theatrical narrative using circus and music. It a fairytale, set in a near future political reality similar to our own. It uses aerial acrobatics, plot twists, assassinations, and intrigue to tell the tale of a heroic group of everyday acrobats, aided by the Greek-chorus style narrations of a powerful triumvirate of fairy godmothers.
C’mon, how can you go wrong with that? :)
There are 5 short stories & 5 Tuckerisations available. I’ll write patrons pretty well anything they want, although I *prefer* it not to be fan fiction just because I usually have a caveat of being able to resell these things later and I can’t resell fic. OTOH, if that’s what the patron wants, that’s what the patron gets. So please, go forth, support! <3 :)
[caption id="attachment_11554" align="alignleft" width="200"] stones throe[/caption] Second, a cover reveal! I’ve just gotten the cover for STONE’S THROE, the Spirit of the Century novel I’ve been working on, and I’m totally thrilled with it! Amelia Stone and Josephine Baker, on the run from the Nazi scourge! How much more can you ask for? WHAT? YOU WANT MORE? How about intelligent apes, criminal masterminds and a love story for the ages? Yes! Yes, you can get all of that and more within the pages of STONE’S THROE, coming soon for avid readers like you! :)
Third, and I admit this may only be exciting for me, I just got in the mail a package from Michelle Sagara in which there are copies of her YA books SILENCE and TOUCH, and which are signed with some of the most beautiful print handwriting I’ve ever seen. If I ever need a comic book hand-lettered I’m hiring Michelle. Or at least threatening to. :)
I am so jealous of people with nice handwriting. By the time it gets to ‘beautiful’ I probably am somewhat murderous with envy.