da smoke gets in your eyes

There’s a fire somewhere and it’s blanketing the whole Anchorage bowl in smoke. V. smelly. Emily was commenting last night that the sky was weird, and lo: it was, because of the smoke coming in. We just didn’t know it was the smoke, last night.

Emily and Ted and I went to see The Interpreter last night. Emily had her suspension of disbelief broken once, and Ted thought it was too long (it was, compounded by it getting increasingly hotter in the theatre), but I enjoyed it a lot. More than I thought I would, in fact. Sean Penn is a very good actor, and it was the first thing since Moulin Rouge that I’ve liked Nicole Kidman in. I wish she’d go back to being a redhead and put on about eight pounds, but she was very good in it. And, as Emily said, there were *consequences* for peoples’ actions, which made us both happy.

Ted and I also went to the chiro to get x-rayed and crunched yesterday. My spine is not nearly as alarming to look at as it was 3 years ago when I first went in. It’s still uneven, but only by about 1/4 inch, instead of 3/4s. Now I have a little lift to put in my shoe to see if it’ll even me out. I feel uneven when I’m using it, at least at first. :) And Ted’s upper back apparently goes _–_–_, so Dr. Lee is going to make it go _______ again. :)

The Fuji apples we got at Costco last week range from fine to insanely good. I think we have to go get some more. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 354