Dear Humans:

Stormcloud sunset

Dear Humans:

You have screwed up the weather ENOUGH. Please get on the goddamned ball with FIXING IT.

No love,
Frozen in Ireland

In related news, I discovered earlier this week that a childhood friend (of the “we would all (“all” being, like, dozens of family, extended family, and friends) go down to their place for the 4th of July and make homemade ice cream etc” variety of childhood friend) is a climate change research scientist who runs Adaptation International, a program that helps people, communities, organizations, etc, prepare for the increasing impacts of climate change.


As said, “Clearly the universe is telling you to write those books.”

Yes. Apparently so. I mean, “Here, have a childhood friend who can either answer all your questions and hypotheses or can pretty certainly point you at someone who can,” is not exactly subtle, is it?

So I’ll be off eating Sascha’s brain, although he put in a petition for just having lots of discussions over lots of Guinness, which seems palatable as well. :)

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