deeply confused

I’m deeply confused about what day it is. Ted’s been working quite a lot, and he started this last stint on Thursday after only one day off, so I somehow am quite convinced tomorrow should be Saturday. I keep expecting to be able to go to the Saturday Market tomorrow, but no, that’s not going to work.

Oh, hey, guys, LAST CHANCE! The Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction item of being a major character in my next urban fantasy series closes in TWELVE HOURS! Can you live with yourself if you lose this opportunity? :)

Okay. I have most of the HOUSE OF CARDS/HANDS OF FLAME sets packed up, and now I’m out of envelopes. There are several people who are still waiting to hear from me about the books. I will email you with options sometime this evening (ie, after the baby wakes up and I can dig around to see if I have any /more/ copies of HoF lying around my office). And then I’ll go buy more envelopes. :)

Um. What else. Oh yes. I’ve been reliably informed that today is Memorial Day, so I’m assuming nobody’s around on teh intarwebs so I STILL can’t post about this new project. *wails* OTOH, with every day that passes where I don’t post about it, there’s a bit more work actually done on it than the day before, so that’s something too. I must say, for a project that’s still pretty much purely hypothetical at this point, there’s a lot of ground work been done. :)