“Ill Met by Moonlight” is submitted. I completely rewrote the last chapter, and cut about four hundred words from the whole thing, so it came in at just about exactly 10K, and overall I’m pretty pleased with it. I think it’s a cute little story, and if Harlequin ever wants to give me my rights back on it, I’ll write them a whole novel with my main character. :)
I also got the contract for it, so I will take my Contract Signing Pen (*pauses to beam at Sarah*) and sign it and send it off again. Jenn had anticipated I might turn the story in before I got the contract, but not *quite*, as it turns out. :)
It appears I will not be going to coffee with Jai today. I’m not entirely certain today was the day we’d discussed going to coffee. It’s possible it was *last* Sunday, and that I just totally spaced it. But I think it was this Sunday, and she was going to call me when they got back from camping. I think that’s how it was going to go. But now it’s 5 o’clock and there has been no call, so I think that probably means no coffee.
Which means I have to take Chanti on another walk, because I promised her a longer one if I didn’t go to coffee. :)
My, it’s gotten hungry out.
miles to Mount DOOOOOM: 41
ytd wordcount: 160,700
Yay! Congrats on finishing it!
Congrats! When does the story go up? As for writing a novel for them, clearly they’ll have to be *very* nice to you in order to squeeze into your busy schedule.