
Don't Read This Book

I am so excited about this book. O.O

It’s the anthology tie-in to DON’T REST YOUR HEAD, the award-winning horror RPG (now available on Kindle & Nook!) from Evil Hat Productions. I would be excited about it even if I weren’t part of the lineup, because it’s really Evil Hat’s first foray into fiction, and these guys have been my friends for like, ever, so: yes. I would be excited anyway.

But I am sort of beside myself because I don’t normally write horror, and Fred knew he was pushing me outside of my comfort zone when he asked me to be one of the anthology participants. And because once I got my head around what I wanted to do, I wanted to do something really specific, and from Fred and Chuck’s commentary I nailed it. So I’m actually really proud of my story in there, which is nice not just because I like to do my job well but because it’s *specifically* nice to feel I’ve done well for something on a friend’s project.

Also, the cover rocks. OMG. And the contributer line-up is amazing. I mean, if you’d asked, “Gosh, Catie, think you’ll ever be in an anthology with ROBIN D FREAKING LAWS?” the answer would have been “Er, no, I’m just not awesome enough to hang with that crowd.” Only it turns out I am. *beams* (Or that I have friends who are, anyway. :)) And also, may I say that I’m really pleased that four of the contributers are women? This is an RPG tie-in. It would have been really, really easy to hit the gender blind spot on that one, although I would not *expect* EHP to do that. And they didn’t, and that makes me happy too.

Seriously. DON’T READ THIS BOOK is just full of win, and it is coming to e-pub and shortly thereafter physical manifestation soon! With the next 3 months! And you will want to read it! You WILL! EVEN IF IT SAYS NOT TO! :)

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