Drawing a blank…

Drawing a blank, and I don’t have any of my Heinlein books sitting around to check against, nor can I make the net tell me with any degree of certainty, so:

Can somebody conclusively verify or deny whether Lazarus Long’s AI ship Dora referred to him as “Boss”? Memory is telling me she did, but I have been wrong once or twice in the past.


11 thoughts on “Drawing a blank…

  1. Long’s ship’s name is Minerva. Dora was his wife/lover. Friday called her boss “Boss.” So I think that’s three separate Heinlein references confused into one there, Kit. :)

  2. *points to bryant’s response and says *pbpblbltlthtbt** Don’t mess with me, bub. :)

  3. Lazarus modelled the personality of his ship (the Dora) after the Dora he married on the colony planet. Minerva was actually Ira Weatheral’s computer’s AI — she duplicated her memories onto the Dora at some point, and that duplicate took the name Athena.

    I admit to having to look that up. It’s probably best that I don’t reread those books; I’d hate to lose the fond misty memories.

  4. This just proves to me that the author just liked to reuse things over and over!

    Besides, Stranger in a Strange Land soured me on Heinlein permanently. No, Farnham’s Freehold did. Creepy ass dude.

  5. I’ve been told his earlier writings aren’t quite so dirty-old-man-wish-fulfillment, but I haven’t really suffered the urge to see if I like them better than his later writings. Geck. :P

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