
I want this. It isn’t rational; for one, I have no idea where I’d ever wear it, and for two, it wouldn’t fit. I don’t even think it’d fit if I was 20 pounds lighter, because I’ve always had big boobs and while it’d probably (almost certainly) fit in waist and hip (it almost would now), the boobs, they get in the way. But *augh*, because it’s *beautiful*! I *wants* it! O.O

I got my retention bonus check from Caremark today. This is a check that I expected to be around $3500 after taxes. It was slightly under $400. I expect I will be told that this is very specifically the retention part of the expected payout, and that the rest was essentially profit-sharing, which I expect I will be told that I am not eligible for because they laid me off.

I am contractually obliged to not say anything derogatory about Caremark in any public forums, so I’ll just let you all imagine what I have to say on the matter.

What really pisses me off is I asked specifically about the retention bonus when they laid me off, but I did not have it spelled out in small words, and because they had referred to the entire package as the “retention bonus” but then broke it down into smaller bits, some of which were technically the retention bonus and some of which were not, I am dead certain that I am good and truly fucked with no recourse.

In other exciting news, some bit of tubing in the toilet came undone when I flushed it this evening, and there were a few interesting minutes where I stood there pinching it off and wondering if I was going to have to stay there until someone came home to rescue me in order to prevent the house from flooding. This was compounded by the fact that I had just stripped out of my biking gear, and was wearing panties and a sports bra, and I was quite sure Shaun would be home before Ted got home. It was actually pretty funny. And my, but water went everywhere.

And to wrap it all up, the washing machine broke. The agitator…thing. Tube. Cord. Thing what makes the agitator go. So the agitator does not go anymore. Band. Reel. There is a real word for that thing and I can’t remember it. BELT. Agitator belt! That’s it. It’s broken. o.o And we can’t get the piece to fix it til Monday, which is no real big deal, but :p

How’s *your* day been? :/

miles to Hobbiton: 18.2
miles to Rauros Falls: 131
ytd wordcount: 75,000

2 thoughts on “*drool*

  1. Not half so bad as yours. I only woke up with a splitting headache, discovered my phone was disconnected, had my neighbors decide to do laundry early (thus depriving me of the chance to do mine, today), and for some reason anytime I started trying to write, my cats decided they needed all of my attenton right now, and some little kids thought it would be a good idea to throw rocks at the window to get the kitten’s attention. Luckily, the window did not break. That was my day! I think we should have a do-over.

  2. Oh, and, yes! That looks really cool, and they should make one to fit you.

    Someone offered me her fake boobs, yesterday. Two different pairs – one that sticks on! She says she generally keeps them on her shelf. I suggested that I’d like to be able to keep mine on the shelf most of the time, too.

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