So I was just checking out the photos on today’s
I said to Ted, “Why, look!” and he looked over and said, “Fairbanks?”, because by God, it looks exactly like UAF, and I’d been about to say, “Fairbanks!” to finish my, “Why, look!” Only then I noticed the subject line, and the photo was taken in Moscow. That is *so weird*. I defy any of my UAF friends to deny that it is Fairbanks in that photograph! Mom thought it was UAF, too! Very very strange!
eta: the picture got moved, link should work now.
Hm…the link to the picture just brings up a blank window…OH..nope doesn’t work in IE either. I think I dug through the correct day and if it is the same pic I am looking at it DOES look like Fairbanks…but then I imagine in that Moscow would look similar to Fairbanks…only bigger…and maybe flatter…having never been there who am I to argue though. ;-)
For as much as I get on my students about proofreading…one would think that I might decide to glance over what I write before hitting submit.
That is … BIZARRE. Some kind of form following function far northern architecture! Freaky.
I just covered up the part that said Moscow, Russia and showed the photo to K, asked “Look familiar?” and he said “It’s UAF.” Weird!