Well! In a fit of fitfullness, inspired pretty much entirely by Patch, I redid my art page entirely. I put it in Gallery, so there are thumbnails and little comments of my own, and it’s now possible to make comments, should people wish to do so. I’ve got stuff up that I’ve never had posted before, although if I’m going to be — well, hardly completionist, because too much of my stuff isn’t good enough to scan, but if I’m going to be at least thorough, I’ve got more scanning to do. But I’ve had enough fun scanning for one day. o.o
I moved the 1000 drawings project from the photos area to the art area, although I haven’t yet taken it out of photos. Um. What else? Oh: I think this is probably the best drawing I’ve ever done. It’s a college friend of mine, Rob Boyer, as Jesus, from UAF’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar.
Um. Okay. That’s all! :)