Well. That book giveaway post certainly brought out the lurkers. Between mizkit.com, LJ, Twitter and FB, I got something on the order of 200 responses. That makes the dozen books I was going to give away seem sort of paltry. So I’m going to up it a little in proportion to the number of responders on each venue, for a total of 18–3 for mizkit.com, 6 for LJ, 6 for FB and 3 for Twitter.
The mizkit.com winners are: Becca, Jennifer, and Linda Henderson!
The LJ winners are: technocowboy, skeagsidhe, tersa, secret_gyoza, saetter and newjerseybadger!
Please email me your snailmail addresses to cemurphyauthor AT gmail DOT com!
I’ll post the FB and Twitter winners there, ’cause I don’t think there’s all that much crossover with the blog. :)
That’s about as far as the budget will stretch for mailing things out.
I will, however, give away another 12 copies of SPIRIT DANCES to random commenters on *this* post (where “this post” means the repeat that’ll get done here and at FB, where the highest # of responses came from, so there’ll probably be 6-9 given away through mizkit/lj and 3 at FB) who are willing to pay postage. It’s about $7 USD to mail one book, so winners would have to paypal me that, but if you wanna do that, then comment on this post!
Also, it is my civic duty to note that the 1920s style beaded party dress is half off at J Peterman. Of course, they only have two sizes left (4 and 6), but the velvet evening dress is also on sale, and I’m trying to figure out either where I would wear it or how to talk myself out of it… :)
I have been awaiting the release of Spirit Dances on pins and needles! So close yet so far!
Well, drat. I didn’t get the giveaway. But I’m willing to shell out $7.
Yay books! Paying postage is totally worth it. :)
I don’t know how you can afford to give away books, even if the recipients do pay postage, but if I’m one of the lucky ones, then “Yes please” and “thank you kindly”.
I only just found your website when trying to check the sequence of the Walker Papers series – next to signup for the pdfs.
BTW my own website is not interesting unless you want an item of electronics designed. Here is a more interesting one I work on in my spare time: http://www.tolkiensociety.org
no kidding. The books are worth it.
Oh yah, definitely worth it! Especially since I live in the UK, and it’s a little bit cheaper to send across the Irish Sea.
With the velvet evening dress you make an event to wear it too… so pretty. Also, I am more than willing to pay postage if it means that I’ll either be getting a great new book or pretty yarn.
Actually, I think that you should be charging postage for every give away. I’m in Canada — which is a ways away from Ireland. But we love you in the great frozen north too :-)
Hope I’m not too late — totally down with postage if it means a chance to read Spirit Dances a month early!
I’ll ante up for postage, if it’s not too late. Definitely worthwhile. :)