1 condenser dryer currently residing in Dublin 11
My parents have, now that they’ve moved house, an extraneous dryer. If I know anybody in the Dublin area who would like a dryer for the price of picking it up, or (more likely) if I know anybody who knows somebody in Dublin who’d etc, please respond in comments or email me (cemurphyauthor@gmail.com).
Actually, I suspect it doesn’t matter whether the potential recipient is in the Dublin area or not. What does matter is the being able to come pick it up. Please do let me know!
(anticipatory, that’s another one LJ moods doesn’t have. I should start compiling a list.)
If you don’t get a response, try Freecycle. See http://freecycle.org for the Dublin group (a Yahoo mailing list.)
Yeah, that or Jumbletown, but Mom thought it’d be nice to give it to someone we knew if that was possible. :)
whimper – I was there yesterday and would have picked it up. Oh well..