from the wild

Photo from of THUNDERBIRD FALLS in the wild:

And of the Locus back cover, sneakily turned around to prominently display a GINORMOUS AD for THUNDERBIRD:

I have good friends. :) Other people have sent me other photos of books in the wild, mostly, I believe, CARDINAL RULE (though I’ve got a great picture of Angie with URBAN SHAMAN, at least), and I have been incredibly lame about posting them. However, I promise that if people send me more sighting photos, I’ll post with more regularity.

9 thoughts on “from the wild

  1. I could send you a picture of a tame copy of Thunderbird Falls–it’s sitting in my backpack right this minute. :)

  2. The only books on my desk that do not have a thing to do with either scrapbooking or paying bills, (my most prominate computer functions) are Urban Shaman, Thunderbird Falls and The Cardinal Rule!! Not even one single Stephen King book!! :)


  3. While I was thwarted at B&N earlier in the week, I was not thwarted at Borders, which had many fine copies (many of which were face out!) on the shelf. I bought a copy and my dad bought a copy. :)

  4. Oops. Guess I should’ve sent you a copy of FIREBIRD, not THUNDERBIRD. Oh well. :)

    Awesome, I outrank Stephen King in Rhonnie’s world! :)

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