gah :(

Wow, I feel completely horrible. Coughing and wheezing and my ears and throat itch and this sucks. :P Stupid, stupid allergies. :( I took drugs but they haven’t kicked in yet and I’m going insane with the itching and coughing. Blah. :( Maybe the astringentness of an orange would help some. Wah. :(

I spent most of yesterday working on THUNDERBIRD FALLS, which would have been slightly easier if I had not failed to put in chapters 13 and 25 to my rough draft printout. I only have another few chapters to read, and then I have to read it again (this time with the two missing chapters, I hope) and then I think I’ll be ready to start doing real edits on it.

It turns out that the thing at work was a file I needed to update, so I suck. *sigh* :(

Things I’ll do today that are good for me: eat 1-2 pieces of fruit, gym, walk 2 miles.

miles to Lothlorien: 22

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