Any second now I’m going to get myself together enough to face the day, but for now I’m zombieing in front of the computer.
Gaming last night was fun. Shaun almost got killed again, and we’ve got a 15,000 gold piece bounty on our heads set by the Church of Pelor. It’s a pity Coby and Emily are going away soon, because if they weren’t we could turn this campaign into a full-out war against the church (which is what Shaun has written down on his character sheet as the number one item on his list of things to do). (This is the evil group. Hee hee.) Instead, Thursday will probably be our last game and we’ve all agreed that in face of certain destruction by the church, we’ll probably all suddely convert. Nothing like a little enlightened self-interest. :)
I was going to go on another nice long walk this morning, but decided I was too *tiiiiired* from having walked a total of 7 miles yesterday, so I only did my usual 2.5 mile walk. I still have to walk the dog later, though.
Perhaps I’ll try to get some writing done, after I’ve eaten something and showered. It’s possible, though, that writing might turn out to be a lot like sitting in the sunshine on the back porch drooling contentedly on myself. :)
miles to Lothlorien: 101