Yes, I thought you were familiar with that. This is why the post for chapters 9-12 is so late. I’ve caught up on the reading, but I’ve been suffering from the conviction that despite ear infections and head colds and so on and so forth that I would get my commentary *written up*.
Since it appears I’m not yet in a position to write something particularly brilliant, I will at least, once more, make a post, and let other people get to chatting, and maybe tonight I’ll be able to catch up. ;)
So, the not exactly a war yet council, in which Jaelle tries to exert more power she has and just comes off looking selfish and inconsiderate, and Ailell is stalling for reasons he doesn’t want to come right out and say until Loren takes care of it for him. I feel bad for Kevin – yes, Jennifer and Paul are having it much, much worse right now, but I still feel bad for him.
Rakoth Maugrim sure knows how to make an entrance. What caused him to tip his hand, since apparently he’d been free for a while, wardstone status nonwithstanding? Paul on the Tree? Jennifer?
I really, really love the interactions between Kim and Aileron, particularly Kim’s sense of humor. Humor is a good way to keep from being completely overwhelmed!
Paul and Rachel. Since this is from Paul’s perspective, Rachel does not really come off well here, I think. I wonder how this relationship would play out today, with texting and cell phones and video chat. (I’m old enough to remember when we didn’t have all these things, but I’m wondering if people will read this in the future and wonder why he only called her twice a week.) A relationship is a hard thing to balance, especially when one person thinks distance is a good thing and the other sees it as running away when they need support. I am glad, though, that Paul gets closure and divine forgiveness.
And now, after all this darkness, it’s back to Dave for some less solemn fare. I really love the descriptions of the Dalrei, their way of life and their stories. And the dancing! I’d completely forgotten about that, and it’s wonderful. I cannot blame Dave for projecting himself into the Third Tribe, given what we know of his relationship with his father and brother.
Ivor is great, as is Tabor and Torc and Levon and Liane and Leith. Really, I am fond of all the characters in this arc.
When Dave encounters Ceinwen, he could have technically argued that he wasn’t a man of Fionavar and thus not subject to her sentence. (He’s studying to be a lawyer. He totally could have.) But his respect and awe win out, and I admire that. Also love Ceinwen’s response that Liane has choices that don’t involve a specific man.
Posting Chapters 13-16 now as I’m going on vacation and internet access may be sporadic.
I find Dave’s social awkwardness somewhat endearing, and as a fellow socially awkward introvert, I can sympathize. He’s much better with an axe than I am, though. ;)
I am enjoying the gradual unfolding of the legends of Fionavar with Levon’s telling of the tale of Lisen and Amairgen, and also how it comes into play with Fildais. Fildais puzzles me a bit, and I can’t remember if he features in future books. I’m going to say probably, and also note that the Taliesin reference is a nice bit of foreshadowing.
Love the scenes with Tabor and Imraith-Nimphais. Like the tale of Lisen, there’s great beauty and great sadness. My heart is breaking for Ivor already.
I like the scenes between Aileron and Diarmuid, and Paul calling Aileron out. But Diarmuid? If you get consent, then you don’t get ladies trying to assassinate you. Or throwing water on you. And don’t start snarking about how it’s childish; real men ask.
Dave’s reunion with Kevin made me laugh. It’s a great moment of levity without being out of place.
Finally, Chapter 16. It was *hard* to read, because I knew what had to be coming; I actually put it off for a few days until I felt I was in the right mindset. It’s dark and painful. We’re dealing with true evil here, something that warps and twists what is good and supportive into something horrible and vile. It has no reason other than to be evil. And Rakoth has learned from his mistakes previously; I winced internally when they essentially said, “Well, he just got out; we can fight him before he rebuilds his fortress and his power.” Nope. It’s worse than you realize. Far worse.
The very end is incredibly frantic and it’s normally something I don’t like in books, but it works here. It may work because I haven’t read The Summer Tree without immediately having The Wandering Fire to follow up with.