Is there a way, in gmail, to automatically send an email to a certain filter? (Label, they’re called labels in gmail. Whatever. A filter.) A way to select all of the email addresses in an archived filter and send one email to all of ’em? Or a way to suck them all into a contacts mailing list without adding them each individually? Because if there’s not, there really ought to be…
In the meantime (and yes, relatedly), might I remind you that there’s an Old Races novella commission going on? Feel free to spread the word of this (the more official version of that post is here at, as, hey, online story commissions are essentially grassroots productions, and need all the help they can get. :)
Hi Catie!
I’ve been wondering the same thing about gmail. hmpgh. Mozilla Thunderbird has the capability you’re talking about–if I think I know what you’re talking about ;P Automatic Filters for incoming emails? Haven’t figured that part of gmail out yet.
But, When I’m looking for an email, I just type a keyword or something into the search box to find it. For example, I know I have an inbox of like 200emails…and I want to organize them all into folders. What I do is type the email address a bunch of them came from into the search box. Then I do a mass group labeling (hit button “select all”, “label”) Next I hit the button “move to” and select the label I created or type in a new one. I would LOVE to know how to put/create filters so my emails automatically go into the labeled folders…*sigh* don’t know if that’s possible.
I hope this helped!
P.s. I love your books. I’ve seen your books on library shelf and they’ve been calling out to me for awhile now (literally I sense them trying to get my atten—“read me! Pick me up? Take me home please!” I’ve just finished some of Devon Monks series and I think somewhere on a website..was it supernatural underworld…or deadline dames… saw a link for you and read about your books. So I decided all right books, I’ll listent to you! : ) I don’t want to stop now! I love them. I recommend them to freinds and strangers on the tube. (or Lightrail as we call it on the West Coast, USA). I love them so much I went out and bought one (on a college students budget..had to be already used). On another note, I was thinking about the personality of books and such. How a used/preowned/already read book feels. I kind of enjoy them more. It’s as if the energy of the characters are even more alive! My sense is that an author by writing the story, gives life to the characters and their dramas, then the more people read them the stronger they become, the more real they become in this waking world. I think that is why i love preread books so much. There’s so much life to them. Buying a book new is great because I get to add my life energy to the characters.
Glad you’re in this world and that you’ve been sharing the wonderful stories with us!
Also, I plan to contribute next week to the new story you’re commisioning!