Today’s the first day in weeks I’ve felt like myself. I feel like I got enough sleep (and it’s not that I haven’t been sleeping) and I woke up all ready to go to work. Boy, it’s a lot nicer to feel this way than mopey the way I’ve been.
This morning a UPS man called and asked if I could meet him at the corner of Blarney and Shandon street because he couldn’t get up the hill because the road had been closed. Indeed, it has been. There’s a police crime scene in front of the pub that just opened, and what is presumably a dead person under the tarps they’ve got laid out down there. No idea what happened, but it’s certainly got the neighborhood interested.
The UPS man was bringing me the line edits for HANDS OF FLAME, which is, like, the world’s fastest turn-around. They’re not due back for nearly three weeks, which is some kind of record for Luna, but it’s a bank holiday weekend here and the St. Patrick’s Day parade is on Monday, and since going to that will totally disrupt my writing day anyway, I think I might just do the line edits over the three day weekend and get back to work on TPC on Tuesday. Which … well, short of a miracle, I’m not going to finish the rough draft before P-Con, but that’s just how it is.
Speaking of P-Con, Juliet McKenna, Oisin McGann and I (I suddenly feel the need to be C.E. McMurphy) will be doing a signing at Chapters bookshop on Parnell Street, on the evening of March 28, from 6:30-7:30pm, and will thereafter retire to the Central Hotel for the convention’s opening ceremonies. So if you can make it, please come to Chapters and say hello! And buy books! And stuff like that!
Hm. Maybe I’ll make a big batch of cookies to bring to the signing. Those usually go over well. :)
Right now, however, I think I will make lunch and then go back to writing while I’m actually feeling the high of wanting to! *zoomz*
hi im really sorry to bother you….you seem really busy…but I feel the need to express my discontent… anyway, I have lately been frusterated that the fourth book in the walker papers has yet to even been put out there! I really enjoy Joannes experiances and her relationship with the cabby and her captain. I really hope they find a way to be with each other. Also, if you limit this wonderful series to just four books, i will be devestated. Yup! Thats ALL! THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!!!!