grasping the brain

I feel as if I have some brain to blog with today, so I’m grasping it with both hands and typing as fast as I can. :)

We didn’t really game on Friday. We hung out and we got xp and we worked on our characters, but we didn’t really game. That was okay, though, ’cause we had a pleasant evening. Socializing good. :)

Ted and I spent a couple hours this weekend going through the copious boxes of books in the garage. The ones that’ve been malingering there for two and a half years, you know? The sorts that apparently we can live without. Well, we could live without half of them, anyway. :) Brought them to Title Wave and got cash, about $175 worth, so that was pretty decent, and they were apparently happy with us for having the boxes nicely packed and having such good stuff. They’re always happy with us for good stuff, though. We’ve got good stuff. :)

Then Saturday night I watched The Replacement Killers again. The funny thing about me and movies is that I don’t think of myself as someone who watches a lot of movies, but nearly all the movies that we own are ones that *I*, in fact, *do* watch repeatedly. Ted and I aren’t sure about how that works out, but there you have it anyway. Anyway, TRK is one of the movies that I’ll watch again and again, because I think it’s so wonderfully done. The heroes aren’t really heroes, the girl’s as tough as the guy, and the romantic tension in the film is handled *perfectly*, which never happens. :)

And Ted went to see Sin City, which I suspected (rightly, apparently) was too violent for me. I’m not entirely sure if he liked it, but there was a fair bit of half naked Jessica Alba, so you can’t go all wrong. :)

Sunday was all screwy because of stupid stupid daylight savings. We spent what seemed like the entire day shopping. The whole week so far’s been kind of like that, playing catch-up. Stupid, stupid daylight savings. Last night it was so bright and sunny out at 7pm that I *had* to go for a bike ride, because the prospect of spending the next two bright sunny hours inside (especially when it’d warmed all the way up to about 37 degrees). So I did, which was very nice. But man, it’s a lot harder to get up at 7 when it’s not light out yet. Stupid stupid daylight savings.

Gonna go for a walk now. Got a couple more scenelets to write for TB, and have to go through and take all my NOTES TO SELF out and fix that stuff, and then she’s done and out the door. Yay!

(Also, size 12 jeans really are too big for me now. I’m pretty sure 10s won’t fit yet, but 12s I can zip up and then pull away from my tummy without a problem. Cool!)

ytd wordcount: 73,500
miles to Hobbiton: 13.2
miles to Rauros Falls: 118.5