great interviews

This morning’s first two interviews were great. Apparently the first one was webcast, but I didn’t know that until I was on the phone, so I couldn’t post about it. I’ll try to find out if they’ve got any kind of archives. Anyway, it was the one in South Carolina, and the host was all laid back and had lots and lots of good questions, and I talked more about shamanism than I expected, but fortunately I’ve read rather a lot about it, so I was pretty well prepared for that. :) It was lots and lots of fun. He’d read the book and enjoyed it (yay!) and it just went really well.

Then the second one got moved back half an hour and was another of the “someone other than the scheduled interviewer”, so the guy hadn’t read the book but had read at least the press material and he had LOTS of questions because he thought it sounded interesting but since he hadn’t read it he didn’t know anything *about* it, really, and I talked more about shamanism there, too, and really, I thought they both went really well.

One more in 40 minutes, and then I get to take a nap. We did all the stock signings yesterday (how efficient of us!) so today’s schedule is actually totally empty after this last interview. Sleep goooood.

Oh! But I’ve got another interview scheduled for tomorrow morning that only just got set up. It’s an Oklahoma interview, so maybe Russ can listen in. I’ll get the station call letters and setting later this morning. :)

Food now.

2 thoughts on “great interviews

  1. I am so happy you’re posting about this. Good luck in the rest of your interviews!

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