FINALLY all the October books I wanted were out, so we went forth to have a bookstore accident.
We failed.
I mean, okay, strictly speaking it’s not an accident if you go in intending to spend a lot of money, but when you don’t spend even a hundred dollars, you’ve had a whole different *kind* of bookstore accident. How *embarrassing*.
But we now own FURIES OF CALDERON (Jim Butcher), ORPHANAGE (Robert Buettner), KINGDOM OF THE SOMETHING OR OTHER and uh, something else about Egypt (Judith Tarr), TIME OFF FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR (Lani Diane Rich; GO LANI!!!), SHIELD OF THE SKY (Susan Krinard), THE NIMBLE MAN (Christopher Golden & somebody else) and a L.M. Modesit or whatever his name is book. I think that’s all of them. I didn’t get JUST A GEEK or REAL LIVE PREACHER.COM (figure I’ll ask for them for Christmas), and we spent *less* than a hundred dollars. *Sheesh*.
And that’s it for book buying for me until I’ve caught up on some of the books I’ve got. (Thank heavens Christmas is approaching, so I can ask for books and not have to buy them!)
In other news, how ’bout them Red Sox?
I’ve never tried to have a bookstore accident and failed. That must be quite novel, actually. No pun intended. ;)
You should SEE how hyper the Red Sox fans around here are. They’re ecstatic. It’s fun to watch.
*cry* Happy for the Sox, depressed the Cardinals did so distressingly bad. I mean, sheesh! The only game they played well in I was in an anaphylactic shock and all I can remember of the game was looking up at the screen, seeing Ben Affleck in a blur, and saying, “I never did like that Ben Affleck anyway!”