All right. Against the odds, I reached page 250. This is against the odds for a variety of reasons, starting with having played CoH until 2pm, and including the moral equivilant of the Novelist’s Event Horizon: I’m making small changes that take a long time to work out, so I’m spending a lot of time on one or two pages and not feeling like I’m getting anywhere. Then, to compound it, I’ve cut out enough scenes today to have the effect of making the book a full chapter shorter. I’ve lost two chapters since starting this round of edits (after adding six in revisions). I’m just shy of halfway through the manuscript now, and I think it’s much better. God, it’d better be. O.O I think this feeling I have coming over me might be the hint of light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s fairly early yet, and I could no doubt get another chunk done, but 50 pages is my goal (it’ll be more for the next few days, but this weekend was doubleXP weekend, see, so thus 50 pages a day), and I have *books* to read. I’m going to make dinner and *read*. So *there*!
miles to Minas Tirith: 184
So what you’re saying is, if we want more out of you, we’re going to have to stop the the CoH servers.
What’s the going price for a major DoS attack, I wonder.
Actually, I’m usually pretty good about not playing too much. And doubleXP weekend only comes around every six months or so. Fear not. :)
It’s good to know that I am not the only one who based my weekend around double xp. LOL!