Happy Birthday & Five Years

Well, it’s still June 1 in Alaska and Hawaii (if barely), so I guess I’ll go ahead and post this:

Happy birthday to *takes a deep breath* Michelle, Lynette, Fahri, Superman, Marilyn Monroe, Morgan Freeman and ME!

Also, today is the official release date for DEMON HUNTS. This means the Five Year Plan is well and truly done: URBAN SHAMAN came out five years ago today. And I was going to post a picture of the Five Year Shelf, except my copy of DRAGON’S LURE hasn’t gotten here yet, so I’ll just wait til it does to post a photo.

And now we’re off to Dublin for the day with my in-laws, so, er, you know, probably I won’t post anything else again for another week or something. :)

1 thought on “Happy Birthday & Five Years

  1. Happy Birthday! and congrats! Lil’ Henry is sooo cute and I wish you and him all the best luck, lots of kisses, and huge smiles.

    I am right behind you as my b-day is Saturday… I got your book as an early b-day present, but way early… Amazon shipped it mid May? It was awesome btw! I am weird and always re-read early books of a series to refresh the whole story/world in my mind. I just finished it last weekend even though I’ve had it for a few weeks. I was *blown*away* Not what I was expecting but in the squeal OMG way! Thanks soooo much and I want Spirit Dance right now! :) But I guess I can wait…. is it here yet? ;D

    Thanks again!

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