Ted has just picked up the keys to our new house. Holy carp. I guess this is official. We’re moving to Dublin. We’re moving, like, this weekend. Agh! *stares around in a panic*
I am thinking of a housewarming party on August 1, although I’m informed by at least two friends that it’s not a good date because it’s a bank holiday weekend. However, since we can be sure Ted won’t be working the weekend yet at that point, we might have it then anyway.
I need to post on Jumbletown to get rid of our futon and to find a single bed to make up for the one we, er, got rid of on Jumbletown. :)
Holy carp! Dublin! Things, they are coming together! Now all I need to do is find an au pair whose native tongue is not English to come in a couple hours a day and talk to Henry in their native tongue. One who’s willing to be paid in books and fine meals… :)
Go for one who speaks Irish Gaelic. *Sagenod* May not be the absolutely most useful language on the world stage, but it will help preserve a wonderful language.
Can i have that job,please?I will read to him in Spanish.Books and food r all i require to be happy.