Ted and I *talked* all the way into Dublin yesterday. We haven’t had a chance to *talk* about anything for a week! He’s been off house-hunting and I’ve been neck-deep in writing. Talking was a very pleasant experience. :)
Casanova was amusing. It’s not well-paced, and the print we saw was bad, but it was cute and as far as I’m concerned the entire movie paid off with one beautiful shot right near the end, so I went away from it quite happy. :) And we paused at a bookstore, but didn’t buy anything, and had lunch in town…well, that was about it, really. Not very exciting, but extraordinary in its ordinariness after the last week.
We trundled home on the train, where the guy with the snack cart was giving people a hard time. The woman directly behind me had been on the train this morning, and had apparently been given a hard time with exactly the same line, so she was giving the guy a hard time back. He said he was just trying to make sure people were noticing him, and a couple minutes later, after he’d moved down the way, she sent her kid up to get a coffee-stirrer, and the snack cart guy gave him two, “So she’d have one for tomorrow and would stop harrassing him.” :)
For most of the trip, Ted read his book and I stared out the window and listened to people chatting. The guy across the aisle (who had *very* long dreadlocks and whose otherwise excellent features were somewhat detracted from by the fact that he had twisted his thin goatee into a braidy-dreadlocky thing, too; I kept wondering why he’d done that) was also listening to people, and we kept laughing at the same things, which would then make us catch each other’s eye and laugh even more. :)
Also, it is possible I am weird. I was wrestling in and out of my coat, and making faces as I did so, and not only the guy across the aisle, but the old couple across the table thought that was pretty funny. Once I got my coat on I pulled my hat out of my backpack and tugged it on very decisively, which didn’t strike me as at all peculiar until the old guy just lit up with amusement. Apparently he then gave Ted a look like, “Better get moving, she’s rarin’ to go!” I just thought I was getting ready like anybody else would. :)
And when we came home Ted watched Beauty and the Beast with me, ’cause I didn’t wanna be on the computer very much. Whenever I see that now I wish I could have seen Hugh Jackman playing Gaston, because I think that would have been a riot. I wonder if there’s an Australian version of the soundtrack, and/or a DVD of the production. I’d love to get ahold of either, if they exist. I’ll have to look.
All in all, it was a vurra nice day.
I don’t think you do *anything* like anybody else would!
I’m glad you had a nice day off, you freaky little workaholic, you. :D